This is a 3 Target Aggregate Match consisting of 3 separate AGG matches in the Light and Heavy gun classes. A shooter is invited to shoot either or both classes, both days.
Original Pennsylvania 1000-Yard Benchrest Club will give $1000.00 to anyone breaking the match time current 1000 Yard Light Class or Heavy Class Ten Shot Group Benchrest World Record during this event.
This award limited to the person who shoots the smallest, world record group of the weekend. ie: one winner per class.
5.3963" group
Light Gun smallest 3 group agg of the match
Light Gun highest 3 score agg of the match
4.5757" group
Heavy Gun smallest 3 group agg of the match
99.00 with 5.489" group
Heavy Gun highest 3 score agg of the match
THANK YOU to everyone who made this year’s World Open a success! Our sponsors who generously donated prizes, the Board for all of the planning and prep, the statisticians for scoring, our members who helped with everything from setup, raffles, and food, and our volunteers working the pits. We could not have run this event without your help and support! We hope to see you next year!
Registration must be received BY Thursday, July 10th, 2025.
After July 1st, a LATE FEE IN THE AMOUNT OF $25.00 PER CLASS WILL BE CHARGED. Entry may be limited, please sign up as soon as possible.
There will be 3 Light Gun matches held consecutively on Saturday and then 3 Heavy Gun matches held consecutively on Sunday. Conditions permitting, matches will begin at 9:00AM sharp each day.
$150.00 per Class for the two days
$300.00 for both Classes both days.
Junior Shooters (under 18)
$150.00/both classes
Friday, July 11th.
This will be a hand chip draw. Shooters will pick their relay and bench chips on FRIDAY starting at 5:00pm. All drawings are FINAL and cannot be moved, so if you share equipment, be aware of this.
The 3 match aggregate placement will determine a shooter’s standings position.
Prizes will be awarded for:
Prizes will be chosen by the winning shooter from all remaining prizes in a sequence from highest finishing position to lowest. There are a lot of ways to win. Good luck to all!
All light gun class rifles will be weighed after you have finished your record string and all equipment is removed from the benches. Not removing your equipment from the shooting benches is grounds for disqualification so please, remember to clear the bench when you are finished. This is due to the time needed to complete the match.
Rifles and Bolts are weighed as fired with bolts removed. Shooters are invited to weigh their rifles before their relays to verify legality. Please take the opportunity to do so if you are in question of your rifles weight.
Standards for the scales are available and recalibration is possible on the grounds.
Please avoid unnecessary problems by verifying your equipment before you shoot.
Please be certain that your rifles and associated equipment are legal for both classes.
No bolts are permitted in rifles on the range property.
Remove all bolts before taking your rifle from your vehicle. You may replace your bolt only after given the command to do so by the rangemaster during your assigned relay.
Upon any Emergency Cease Fire, remove your bolts and listen to all Rangemaster commands.
During the sight in period, should you need help getting to the impact area or on target, members will be available to help you. Please ask.
This distance is slightly farther than other ranges and will require additional elevation for you to reach the impact area. Shooting in the front bank is common with the extra 10-15 yards of distance. Keep this in mind.
Members and Management of the Original Pennsylvania 1000 Yard Benchrest Club welcome all shooters and sincerely hope that everyone enjoy themselves.
Have a safe weekend. Good luck to all in the World Open Championships.
For Additional Information please email or call management listed on the Contact Page.
All rules pertaining to Equipment found in "The PA Benchrest Club and Range Rules and Operating Procedures" apply.
Pay special attention to the Restricted Class and also the weight limit in the light gun class. There is no grace on the 17.00 lbs.
The firing procedure for the World Open is slightly different than that of the regular season matches at the PA club. See below for that information.
All PA 1000 Yard Benchrest Club rules apply at this match unless otherwise noted. Please be aware of those rules as well as these additional rules/policies for this two day event.
There will be a five minute setup period between relays.
The staging area between each shooting bench is for the shooters in the next relay to place their equipment on prior to being called to set up, as well as for the shooter just finishing, to temporarily place their equipment on to make way for the incoming shooter. As soon as you are finished with your record string, remove your bolt, set your rifle aside and remove your equipment from the bench. Either place your equipment on the staging benches, or remove to the ground beside.
If you are finishing a Light Gun Relay, take your rifle and bolt with bolt removed, immediately into the clubhouse to have it weighed.
Sight in at the World Open is slightly different than in a regular scheduled match.
First, the sight in period is five minutes instead of six. Then also, the first two minutes of the sight in period is fired at the impact area. At the three minutes remaining mark, sighter targets will be raised and shooters are allowed to fire and unlimited number of shots which will be spotted for you. Sighter shots may also still be fired into the impact area during this last three minutes of the sighter period. Prior to the sighter period, any shooter may request to have clay birds added to the impact area should they be too few in numbers.
Sighter shots are not allowed during the record string.
Ten and only ten shots may be fired during the record period.
Both classes will be limited to ten minutes for their record string.
First time shooters may have another shooter remain at the line with them in case of an equipment malfunction or safety need arises.
Rangemaster's Commands For The Two-Day World Open. The Rangemaster's spoken words appear in capital letters.