
The Pennsylvania 1000 Yard Benchrest Club recognizes twelve official Worlds Records. All of these are based upon results from 10-Shot groups and scores fired in officially sanctioned, scheduled matches. There are four single target records for Light Gun and Heavy Gun Class Group and Score. Then there are eight Aggregate Records based upon the ten targets that make up an aggregate for a full season or the best six out of ten that make up a "six match aggregate". Both of these "Aggs" for Six and Ten Match have categories for Group and Score, as well as differentiation of the Light and Heavy gun classes.

All of these targets have been fired using equipment that complies with the rules of The Original Pennsylvania 1000 Yard Benchrest Club and fired during a sanctioned match at a range which observes and abides by these rules.

Light Gun Class

Jim Richards, Montana Small 10 Shot Group 2.659" 2014
Roger Gower, PA High 10 Shot Score 100-5X's (3.493") 2017
Tom Mousel, Kalispell, MT 6 Match Group Aggregate 4.8813 2010
Leo Anderson, Kalispell MT6 Match Score Aggregate 99.500 2011
Tom Mousel, Kalispell, MT 10 Match Group Aggregate 5.8954 2010
Leo Anderson, Kalispell MT10 Match Score Aggregate 96.800 2011

Heavy Gun Class

Matthew Kline, Selinsgrove, PA Small 10 Shot Group 2.815" 09-12-2010
Matthew Kline, Selinsgrove, PA High 10 Shot Score 100-4X 09-12-2010
Tom Murtiff, Pennsylvania6 Match Group Aggregate 4.872" 2018
Derek Blanchard, Montana 6 Match Score Aggregate 99.000, 5.313" 2012
Tom Murtiff, Pennsylvania10 Match Group Aggregate 5.528" 2018
Derek Blanchard, Montana 10 Match Score Aggregate 97.300, 6.392" 2012

The Pennsylvania 1000 Yard Benchrest Club recognizes twelve official Williamsport Club Records. All of these are based upon results from 10-Shot groups and scores fired in officially sanctioned, scheduled matches. There are four single target records for Light Gun and Heavy Gun Class Group and Score. Then there are eight Aggregate Records based upon the ten targets that make up an aggregate for a full season or the best six out of ten that make up a "six match aggregate". Both of these "Aggs" for Six and Ten Match have categories for Group and Score, as well as differentiation of the Light and Heavy gun classes.

All of these targets have been fired using equipment that complies with the rules of The Original Pennsylvania 1000 Yard Benchrest Club and fired during a sanctioned match at a range which observes and abides by these rules.

Light Gun Class

Melanie Palmatier Small 10 Shot Group 3.060" 2019
Roger Gower High 10 Shot Score 100-5X's (3.493") 2017
Mike Bonchack 6 Match Group Aggregate 5.470 2018
Danny Frazier 6 Match Score Aggregate 98.6 2011
Tom Murtiff 10 Match Group Aggregate 6.546 2018
Len Palmatier 10 Match Score Aggregate 95.4 2018

Heavy Gun Class

Matthew Kline Small 10 Shot Group 2.815" 09-12-2010
Matthew Kline High 10 Shot Score 100-4X 09-12-2010
Tom Murtiff6 Match Group Aggregate 4.872" 2018
Matthew Kline 6 Match Score Aggregate 99.000/5.368" 2010
Tom Murtiff10 Match Group Aggregate 5.528" 2018
Matt Kline 10 Match Score Aggregate 96.9 2018