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Brux Barrels
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WEEK 4, Aggs start shaping up.

With four weeks now in the books, the shooterstat pages and agg standings begin to mean a little more. Next week, you'll be able to look at the 4 match aggs and begin to watch as guys drop their worst groups and scores out of their totals. While the 4 match agg is nothing official, it does give everyone a chance to see what's coming in the future, when someone who would normally be sneaking up in the 6 match, now is exposed for the great shooting they've done. The site will automatically fill in the 4 and 5 match aggs, as they become meaningful.

Matt Minium and Ted Morgan shot group and score of the day Saturday. Nice going guys. Believe it or not, that was a first for both of them. Sunday, Frank Grappone aquired the only Hot Shot Pin of the Heavy Gun match when he shot a 4.702"er. Score of the day was a 98 by Tilden Kuhns who went on to win the Group Shootoff. Nice shooting guys.

Unless I'm mistaken, both of the week four GotD shooters had a personal best this past weekend. Tell em congratulations when you see them at the next match. I know I'd like to see them both shoot one that's smaller! Good luck guys.

There were 3 votes taken on the weekend. All 3 items up for discussion passed. First, the addition of a position for Asst Secretary was approved. Second, Womens trophys will continue to be awarded at the year end banquet. Third, guns which conform to the rules of the IBS and NBRSA will be allowed to compete at the World Open. This is a first for us here in PA. I hope that everyone enjoys having new shooters to compete against. Many of us have shot with these people before and would love to do that again on OUR home range. I know I'm excited about getting to meet a lot of folks I've never met before. Please do your best to welcome all the folks from wherever they may hail. They have all treated us well when we went to their range. After looking at the entries for the World Open so far, I see a lot of new names and I hope that trend continues. Remember to bring your entry fees this weekend if you haven't already paid. The date for the discount on entry is July 11th.

Newsletter Job is STILL Open!

If anyone out there would like a very low paying job that's about as thankless as can be, let someone in the administration know and we'll get you started! Seriously though, the newsletter is to a point where it's not a huge job, it's now just a little time consuming on Sunday night and Monday. Requirements would be that you have to have broadband internet to do the work and test the files. Must have knowledge of how to do very minor photo work. The photos are basically ready to put in all except doing a rotation of 90 degrees on the ones that are shot portrait for the front page. From there, you have to understand FTP enough to drag and drop a few files and that's about it. There's a program which makes the newsletter from the data entered in the target room so there's very little typing involved. The Pay is $0.00, so if getting rich is your aim, you're applying for the wrong job. Especially in the summertime, I just don't have time to do all the clerical things that need done around the club and should move some of these things to other people and get more folks involved. I'm making a guess that 3 to 5 hours is plenty of time to do what needs done. If you can spare that much time on the monday following the match and would be willing to take over this responsibility, please step forward and give it a shot. This does require a computer with the capability to deal with various camera cards also.

Thanks in advance for considering this.

Last but not least

The World Open is coming up fast. Everyone must know by now how much work is involved in setting up and running a match of this magnitude. If you should happen to think about it during the day when you're there, offer to help out whereever you can. The target room is a great spot for a volunteer. Sarah allways needs help with the incredible amount of paperwork she has to do. Perhaps watching the counter and answering questions or whatever capacity you can offer would be great. Ask Joe if you have a stong back you'd volunteer. He allways has something that needs moved around or put up those days. Anyone who's been a rangemaster before might help out and give Bob and Mike a break so they can relax a little that day. There's tickets to sell, door prizes to hand out, just a host of things that need done. Even if you're an out of town'er, if you'd like to pitch in, in any way, please make yourself known. Thanks very much.

Week Three Articles from Joe and Frank

A Word From Joe:

You all must know by now how the voting went at the last match. Three questions were all voted a Yes. Yes to adding a board position of assistant secretary, yes to keeping year end 10 match aggregate women's awards, yes to allowing 1000 yard guns complying with rules from their home clubs, - the home club being sanctioned by Original Pa. 1000 Yard Benchrest Club rules, or by IBS or NRRSA rules. Our World Open will keep with our rule of everyone having to immediately come into the club house after shooting in the light gun class to have their guns weighed. As always, failure to immediately have the gun weighed will be grounds for disqualification, as will any light gun weighing over 17 lbs. Last year when I was in North Carolina they weighed guns on a random basis, this will not be the case at our World Open - all guns will be weighed. We have a scale in the club house that is readily available so please everyone, make sure your gun is legal before you shoot. A reminder also that we do not allow drinking alcoholic beverages at our range. This applies to all, members and visitors.

I want to thank our World Open sponsors:

Baer Custom Rifles
Bartline Barrels
Bat Machine
Berger Bullets
JB Custom Products (John Buhay)
Hornady Bullets
Mark King Rifles
Kreiger Barrels
Lawton Machine
Leupold & Stephens
Lyman Products
Midway USA
NightForce Scopes
Pacific Tool
Redding Reloading
Shilen Barrels
Sierra Bullets
Simms Vibration
Shooter's Choice
Springman Rifles
Sure Feed (Tim Sellers)
TM Solutions

This list will be updated as new sponsors donate their money and products to the World Open. Thank you sponsors, you're the reason we have so many great prizes at the Williamsport World Open. We'll have lots of door prizes, too. We also have a scope that we're raffling off. Try your luck in the penny raffle and you might walk away with a very nice scope for a few cents. We're having a silent auction at the WO, Shawna Hakes is taking donations. You never know what you may find to bid on.

About the new assistant secretary position. Debbie Hendrix has been doing the work of an assistant secretary and is willing to take the position officially, now that there is an official position. If there is anyone who is interested in the position, let me, or another board member, know and we will have an election at match 5. If no-one comes forward Debbie will officially assume the position.

Several people have asked about getting a plaque for shoot off wins. If anyone wants a plaque for winning one of the top three places in a shoot off they can request a plaque. The cost of the plaque will be deducted from their monetary winnings. We haven't done this in the past, I don't know how many people may be interested. I'm checking on what the cost of the plaque will be and will let everyone know.

Sorry to have to bring up this next subject - dog poop at the range. Lots of people bring their dogs to the range and most of the time this is great. But this past weekend there were two complaints of dog poop being left on the ground where people walk, both in the shooting area and in the camper area. Dog owners be responsible, if you bring a dog to the range, bring your pooper scooper with you.

We continually look for ways to make the matches more fun for everyone. Trying something new may or may not be a good idea all the time. Phil Bower made a suggestion for a way to turn a regular match into a sort of a fun shoot, while still maintaining our normal season aggs and standings. Think about this: Choose a match later in the season as a trial. Shoot the normal match relays 1 through 10 using a setup time limit similar to the World Open but more relaxed. Now, do not have shootoffs. Begin another set of 10 relays just like the last but this set does NOT count toward season end aggs. It is like a shootoff except every shooter shoots again. Agg the two groups and scores and use those top 3 places to determine match winners. Relay winners in the first 1-10 would get paid as normal but would not get credit for a relay win in the season stats. (this is for the stats program to handle the match win correctly). Now, the top 10 group aggs would get called a group relay win. And the top 10 Scores called a relay win. Shooters can't win both just like normal so we'd have to give group to the top 3 groups, and then scores to the top 3 scores who are not in group, etc. That would be just like normal. Now, the top 3 places get paid just as if they had won the match, except it's the agg that determines the winner.

This could be done without changing anything. No more ammo is needed than normal for a relay win and shootoff. The club eats the cost of the second target so the cost is the same. Time is saved so the match would probably end not much later than normal. Everyone shoots twice! There would be no "overall" winner just like a shootoff. All normal stats like G/S of the day are taken from your first relay in the morning set.

We could try this on a LG match and see how it works if the membership is interested. If there's a lot of opposition then we won't bother. The format might be a lot of fun. More details will be on the website later. Check the news page. Think about it and if people would like to try it, we could do it for match 7 or 8 later in the year.

To end on a happy note, thanks Wayne for the $5.00. I love taking your money. This $5.00 bill will be worn out by the end of the year, passing it back and forth to each other.

Joe Salt

From Frank Grappone:

Match Four Report

Match four is in the books. Shooting conditions are improving and the results are beginning to show. Preparations are in high gear for the World Open and Matt and Melissa are working hard for sponsor donations. Preliminary results are excellent with many great prizes available for winning shooters. The vote for inclusion of all sanctioning bodies should bring additional support and more shooters to the range for our match.

Other items that are heard up for discussion around the range that deserve some observation here. With the price of fuel, inclement weather early and late in the year, other interests such as family vacations and hunting, the discussion has resurfaced to double up matches next year. Have 2 light on Saturday, 2 heavy on Sunday and have our matches during the best months of the year. This is not as easy as it sounds. It puts great stress on the infrastructure to operate the match- its basically a world open match. Anyway, its come up for discussion and we feel it deserves some more consideration. Make your feelings known to a board member and we'll move forward in a more formal manner.

Costs are escalating for the club as well members. Costs of fuel, electricity, range maintenance and supplies have all been escalating. The board has been working hard to conserve and watch the budget. We have some weighty projects that members want us to move ahead with that require capital funds. To accomplish those items we need to keep our costs in line, promote the club events, and fully participate in fund raising efforts such as the gun raffle. If everyone pulls together we can move forward without raising membership or shooting fees in the upcoming years and still get our projects done.

The third 600 yard match went off without a hitch on Saturday. Improvements instituted between the matches resulted in the shooting going along like we knew what we were doing. The addition of Mike Licate's melodious range call really helped. Thanks Mike. We will have a match following the light gun match on 6/30. If you have some loads that you want to test for the World Open, fire form some brass, try out a hunting rifle, load up 40 rounds and come on down. Sign up will be the same - 9AM until 1PM in the clubhouse. Fees are $15 that will be collected on the line. See Ya there.

End of report.



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